Materials Needed
12 x18" Construction Paper
Gold/Bronze Tempera Paint
Paint Brushes
Brown/Black/White Tempera Paint
Oil Pastels
The lesson started with me reading "Ruby's Chinese New Year" to my students. In this book, Ruby goes on a journey to visit her grandmother for Chinese New Year. Along the way, she meets all of these different animals (these animals are the ones found in the Chinese Zodiac). The kids got really into it and then I showed them the dog cage. I talked about what a Chinese "Emperor" was and what the cage was used for. We then started to paint the actual dog cage using gold tempera paint on a 12 x18" piece of red construction paper.
The second day of this lesson, I reviewed what an emperor was. I also talked about shape because we were painting the actual dog that was going to be in the cage. Using pencils, I passed back their paintings from the previous week, We started with an oval for the body, circle for the head, and four long ovals for the legs, We then painted the ears and tail. I gave students several different colors of tempera paint (white, brown, dark brown, and golden-yellow).
The third day of the lesson was adding the features of the dog (eyes, nose, mouth) using oil pastels. I encourage my students to add a collar, crown, and items for their dog. I also have them decorate the cage!
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