Thursday, April 5, 2018

4th Grade-Jim Bachor

I am currently trying a new lesson with my 4th graders. The class sizes are really big this year so I can't do projects that are too extrenous. I also am low on storage space due to construction at my school. I had heard of this artist named Jim Bachor, who fills pot-holes on the streets of Chicago with beautiful mosaics. I work with glass personally and make mosiacs myself, so it is nice to relate to someone. A lot of Jim Bachor's work is images of food (popsicles, chips, and drinks). I thought it would be cool to have my students make their own works inspired by him. I found a Good Morning ABC video, where they interviewed Jim Bachor about his work. My kids thought it was soo cool.

Materials Needed
Colored Pencils
9x12 drawing paper
9x 12 grey construction paper
Texture Plates
Rubbing Crayons

Day 1: I had the students begin to do two sketches of certain food items that they would want to draw for their own personal pieces. As they drew, I encouraged my advanced students to start practice shading and adding value to their sketches

Day 2: With the practice of drawing their particular food items, I talked about value and shading again. In this instance, I had my students complete a value scale to help them practice shading (from light to dark). With my teacher example I made, I showed how students should start layering their particular food items. When they completed their value scales, I gave them a piece of 9x12 drawing paper, and their sketches from day one. They were to enlarge one of their drawings for their final on the 9x 12" paper.

Day 3/4: The students continued to work on their large food drawings onto a 9x12" piece of paper using colored pencils. I reviewed value and contrast with them. When finished sketching their food, students used texture plates and Crayola ColorSticks (white, grey, and black) to create texture on a gray 9x 12" construction piece of paper to make it look like pavement. Students cut out their original sketches and glued it on.

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