Monday, April 30, 2018

3rd Grade Egyptian Scenes

3rd Grade Egyptian Scenes

Materials Needed
Paint Brushes
Tempera Paint (Flourescent Yellow, Orange, Pink)
12 x18" Kraft Paper
Construction Paper Crayons
Burnt Sienna/Tan Crayons
Brown Chalk Pastels

I have recently become very inspired by Egyptian Art. The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, MD has an awesome collection on display. This unit focuses on Value and Form. The first day of the lesson, I introduced Egyptian art. I talked about how pyramids were built, and how most of the land is made up of desert. We reviewed both shape and form. In Art, pyramids are considered as form in art because they are 3-Dimensional. We started by practicing how to draw pyramids before we started on our final copy. When students felt ready, I gave them a  12x 18" piece of kraft paper.  I reminded students about when the start to draw their pyramids, that ones closer to us would be bigger and ones farther away would be smaller (space). I encouraged them to draw at least 3 pyramids.

On the second day of this unit, students finished drawing their pyramids, I had them draw some camels too! I talked about value and how students were to use brown, tan, and peach colors on the pyramids to create value. I showed them how to blend the crayons in. When the students were done coloring in their pyramids, they used brown and orange chalk pastels to add sand to the bottom of their pieces. I demonstrated how to use q-tips to help smear the chalk pastels around the pyramids. The q-tips also help keep the students' hands clean.

On the final day of this unit, I had the students use flourecent yellow, pink, and orange tempera paints to paint in the sky of their works. I encouraged them to blend the colors together to make the sunset.

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